GalaxyBillies – Episode 4

Hi Everyone, Things didn’t go so well for Zeke in the last episode but what about the other humans? Jim Bob seemed to just fall off the face of the station when Zeke ran out and who knows what trouble Betty Sue, Carol Anne and Bobby John can get into? Listen in and find out. And when you’re done, you can call my voicemail line at 206.203.2031 or leave me a comment here or email me at galaxybilly at irreverentmuse dot com. Maybe even  take a moment to leave a rating and comment on iTunes. You will now find a GalaxyBilly feed there. Don’t make me beg now, ya hear!

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Why I Care About Critiques and Feedback

A few days ago, Scott Roche, AKA SpiritualTramp on Twitter raised a question about critiques. Do we want them? How do we want them and so on. What followed was an extremely spirited (natch) discussion about the topic. One I got involved in. Now, those of you who have read any of my posts probably know I cherish feedback. But why is that? Why do I care what other people think about my writing and podcasting? Well, I think it all comes down to knowing that I’m creating something people want to hear/read. But don’t I know if I’m doing a good job or not? Well, in a word, No. I am totally oblivious to whether my own work is […]

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GalaxyBillies – Episode 3

Hello Everyone, In this episode, the humans finally have a chance to stretch their legs. They have been cooped up way too long since being kidnapped by the Grokmar and they are all going a bit stir-crazy. They all decide to split up to do their own things. Betty Sue, Carol Anne and Bobby John go shopping while Jim Bob and Zeke go looking for a night on the town. Five humans who have never left the mountains loose on an alien space station. What could possibly go wrong? I hope you enjoy the show and, as always, you can call my voicemail line at 206.203.2031 or leave me a comment here or email me at galaxybilly at irreverentmuse dot […]

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A Change of Plans

First of all, let me say that my change of plans is not a bad thing. I am not stopping anything that I am already doing (i.e. weekly blog entries or either of my podcasts). I’m not even reducing the frequency of what I’m doing. So just what the heck is going on? Enough mystery. Let me explain. It had been my intention to offset my two podcasts. Do ‘Get Published’ one week, ‘GalaxyBillies’ the next. They are currently being released the same week. I looked at that schedule and wondered if it wouldn’t be better (from a shear level-of-effort)  to have them offset. I planned to do a quick release of ‘GalaxyBillies’ for a couple episodes to get me to […]

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