Get Published Episode 68 – What Agents Bring to the Table with Amy Boggs

I follow a number of people on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus. Publishers, Editors, a bunch of authors and even a couple agents. I’ve also managed to get people from each of those categories on the show. Well, almost all of them. I’ve never had an actual agent on the show. Happily, today that all changes as I talk to Amy Boggs who is an Agent at the Donald Maass Literary Agency. I also talk about NaNoWriMo, which is just around the corner. That’s the lineup for today. I hope you enjoy the show. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 68 – What Agents Bring to the Table with Amy Boggs Everything has to start somewhere and […]

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Shock to the System

I received the first set of edits for my manuscript, “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero” this week. I’ve been waiting with baited breath for these edits, not entirely sure what to expect. I had hoped that, with the number of times I’ve actually read and revised the story, it would need minimal changes. Let’s call that my optimistic self getting involved in the whole publishing process. Then there was the more pessimistic side of me that hoped (yes, I said “hoped”) that my editor, Robert Runte (gee it feels good to be able to say that), would request some changes. That hope largely stemmed from conversations he and I had over the course of the “When Words Collide” conference. I knew […]

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Wash, Rinse, Repeat

I’ve been doing a bit of introspection the past while. Maybe it’s natural, being a new year and all, and it is something I do from time to time. I do it as a self-improvement exercise. I look at what I haven’t liked in the past while and try to see what my role was in it. Perhaps I was too laid back or maybe I was too intense. Did I make the most of opportunities or did I let self-doubt intrude. I won’t say that it always works but I do believe the process keeps me moving in the right general direction. It’s one of those things that is never a single iteration either. I try to do it […]

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