Get Published Episode 87 – Brand Gamblin Talks Self Publishing

Today’s episode is a bit of a departure for Get Published. Ordinarily, you will hear promos from various people or podcasts. You will get a Tips and Typos section about a topic and finally an interview with one of my special guests. You will still be getting all of those things, but today, they will all be related to Brand Gamblin. For those of you who do not know Brand, he is a self-published author of three novels currently, some of which are podcast. He also has several short stories published. Why am I dedicating an episode to Brand? I guess my best answer is “Why not?” He has a number of great things to say and talks at length […]

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Get Published Episode 84 – Mike Plested Talks Publishing & Promotion

I am kicking the marketing and promotion machine into high gear. Or, at least, I’m trying to. This part of the process is all new to me and it is a challenge to know what to do and when and where. So, I’ve been blogging and tweeting about Mik Murdoch, but it seemed to me that, since I have my own podcast about getting published, I should talk more about the book here. Yes, I know what you are thinking: Mike has already talked about the book on several episodes. What I haven’t done is have someone else ask me the kinds of questions I normally ask my guests and so, the idea for this episode was born. I asked […]

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Get Published Episode 69 – Virginia O’Dine & Bundoran Press

I’ve had the good fortune to meet some remarkable people at conventions and online. One of those people is Virginia O’Dine. Virginia is one of the founders, the publisher and editor for Bundoran Press. We have tried to get together for an interview before, but it has taken the better part of two years to finally line up our schedules. It was a great conversation and I hope you enjoy it. I also want to give you a personal update. By the time this episode hits the feed, I will be at the 2011 World Fantasy Convention with my writing partner, JR Murdock. JR is from San Diego where the con is being held and we both though it would […]

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Get Published Episode 68 – What Agents Bring to the Table with Amy Boggs

I follow a number of people on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus. Publishers, Editors, a bunch of authors and even a couple agents. I’ve also managed to get people from each of those categories on the show. Well, almost all of them. I’ve never had an actual agent on the show. Happily, today that all changes as I talk to Amy Boggs who is an Agent at the Donald Maass Literary Agency. I also talk about NaNoWriMo, which is just around the corner. That’s the lineup for today. I hope you enjoy the show. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 68 – What Agents Bring to the Table with Amy Boggs Everything has to start somewhere and […]

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