Get Published Episode 69 – Virginia O’Dine & Bundoran Press

I’ve had the good fortune to meet some remarkable people at conventions and online. One of those people is Virginia O’Dine. Virginia is one of the founders, the publisher and editor for Bundoran Press.

We have tried to get together for an interview before, but it has taken the better part of two years to finally line up our schedules. It was a great conversation and I hope you enjoy it.

I also want to give you a personal update. By the time this episode hits the feed, I will be at the 2011 World Fantasy Convention with my writing partner, JR Murdock. JR is from San Diego where the con is being held and we both though it would be a great opportunity to finally meet and do some networking together.

I’ve also been working hard to get the revisions done on my upcoming novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. Before you ask, I knew the character, Mik Murdoch long before I knew the writer, JR Murdock.

At any rate, the combination of the revisions and World Fantasy Convention means that I don’t have quite as much time as I would like to work on Get Published. Therefore, episode 69 will be a bit shorter than usual with no Tips and Typos.

Still, Virginia is great and definitely worth listening to. I hope you enjoy the show.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 69 – Virginia O’Dine & Bundoran Press

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 69 – Virginia O’Dine & Bundoran Press

Welcome to the show.

01:52 – Promo – Asunder

02:22 — Get Published Episode 69 – Virginia O’Dine & Bundoran Press (continued)

Virginia O’Dine talks about publishing, editing and Bundoran Press

36:52 – Promo – Flying Island Press

37:37 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

Virginia O’Dine & Bundoran Press –

John Mierau (Asunder) –

Flying Island Press –


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