I often think that, to be a successful writer, you should have a good understanding of the writing craft from multiple angles. That means writing, reading, editing, marketing and promotion and even publishing. That’s the ideal, of course, and few of us have either the time or the connections to make that experience happen. On today’s episode, I get to talk to someone who has seen publishing and the writing industry from several different directions. She is a writer, editor, slush pile reader, writing instructor and published author. Barbara Galler-Smith couples that with a wealth of varied life experiences and has a lot of interesting things to say. I also talk about my experiences collaborating on a novel with JR […]
Read moreTag: edge science fiction and fantasy publishing
Get Published Episode 70 – Susan MacGregor and Tesseracts Fifteen
Tesseracts has become a yearly tradition of showcasing Canadian writing talent. This year the anthology series did something it hasn’t done before: an anthology comprised completely of YA short fiction. I talk to one of the editors, Susan MacGregor about the anthology, how it came to be and what kinds of things she looked for when choosing the stories. I’m also very pleased to have a segment from Allison Duncan’s AuthorOutbreak.com. Allison talks about handouts and discounts that are available during NaNoWriMo. That’s the lineup for today. I hope you enjoy the show. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 70 – Susan MacGregor and Tesseracts Fifteen Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of […]
Read moreNaNoWriMo – Day 20
As you have seen by the results of the past few days I have been having a reduction in my writing output. Today was a refreshing change in many ways. I was able to have a relaxing writing day. I got up after sleeping in an extra hour and spent an hour working on my writing. My son and I had some errands to run which temporarily stalled the writing, but that was fine. I worked on my stuff a bit more after I got home and spent another hour in the early evening doing more writing. Then I had the privilege of attending the Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing 10th Anniversary Steel and Steam party. I got to […]
Read moreGet Published Episode 35 – How Sandra Wickham’s Career has Evolved
Sandra Wickham joins me on today’s show. Sandra is a Speculative Fiction writer and professional trainer. She has an honour’s degree in English and Drama from McMasters University and she has recently had a story appear in the Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing Anthology, eVolVe. Sandra’s a lot of fun and was a pleasure to talk to. I also address some feedback and talk about microphones for podcasting. There’s lots of good information in this episode. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 35 – How Sandra Wickham’s Career has Evolved Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 0:14 — Introduction – Get […]
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