Staying on Track

There are days when I wonder if I’m crazy. I have several commitments every week both at home and away. I work full-time and I try to do things around the house. Oh yeah, and there’s that writing thing too. I currently have six short stories I want to write. The trouble is, they all need to be done in the next two months. The problem with that is I also have NaNoWriMo looming over me in November. As any of you who have a calendar in front of you can probably tell, that’s a lot of writing to finish in the next week or so. In fact, it is so much that I simply cannot do it all. That […]

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Preparing for Con-Version

I’m sort of a late-comer to conventions. I really only did my first one four years ago. Ever since, I’ve been a convert. I definitely see the value from a network perspective and from a pure learning and having fun point-of-view too. I’ve also wanted to be more involved. Last year I sat in on a panel that talked about Social Media/New Media/Podcasting and its place in writing. I realized quite quickly that this was a panel I should have been on; even though I had only been podcasting for eight months myself, I had been listening to podcasts and learning about them for much longer. That’s when I allowed myself to believe I have something to offer. Immediately following […]

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