Knowing Your Audience

I thought I would talk about audience today. Specifically, knowing who you are writing for and how you can ensure that you’re hitting the mark. I’ve been shown the value of understanding who might want to read my stories several times. When I sent in Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero originally, I kind of knew who I expected my eventual readership to be: boys, ages 9 – 15. Simple enough, right? After all, the book is about a boy in that age category who wants to be a superhero. I expected some girls might like it and the occasional adult too. Then my editor, Robert Runte, and I had the chance to meet last Fall. He told me that when he […]

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Tunnel Vision

There are times when multi-tasking just isn’t the right answer. A perfect example of this is my revision work on Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. I have several projects on the go; some are writing and some are editing. And then there is Mik which is forthcoming (arguably editing, but a whole lot more, too). I want Mik Murdoch to be the best it can be. I want to justify all of the work my publisher and editor are putting into the book too. Therefore, when it came time to make the suggested revisions, I put all of my other projects away, rather than try to do bits of several everyday. It was really the only way I could get into […]

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Learning a New Skill

One of the skills I haven’t had to learn quite yet is how to market my books. Yes, I’ve been working for a long time to make the right contacts and I’ve been learning everything I can about building my author’s platform, but it isn’t the same. Marketing Mik Murdock, Boy Superhero when it is available is going to be something completely new. I’m really grateful this isn’t my publisher’s first rodeo. That takes some of the pressure off. I know when I ask what I can do and who I need to talk to Lorina will have answers for me. But, what should I be doing now in preparation? That’s the question that keeps me up at night. Should […]

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A Bucketful of Announcements

I have talked on occasion about the various projects I’m working on. Up until now, I haven’t been able to give any dates when my projects are coming out. Well, that is over. At least, I can tell you about some of the projects I have coming out. So, here goes. Mik Murdock, Boy Superhero now has an official release date. It is scheduled for release August 1, 2012. There is one more edit to go and then the layout has to be done, galley’s reviewed and review copies sent out. It will be a busy few months coming up. Mad Scientist Anthology has been picked up by Five Rivers Publishing. Five Rivers has traditionally been a Canadian-only press however, Lorina […]

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