The Scouts are Coming to Save the Day

I have been involved with Scouts as a leader for more than twelve years now and I’m always getting something new and refreshing from my experiences with them. One thing I never really anticipated was the stories I would get from them. I mean, I get ideas from everything I do, but never did I think a full-blown story would come. I think I may have talked about my book Scouts of the Apocalypse once or twice. That book came from a campfire story I told my Scout troop. By the time I got home, I knew I had something special. That was based on the reactions I got from the scouts at camp and on the way home. So, […]

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Get Published Episode 98 – JW Schnarr Talks Horror

The holiday season is upon us and for some that means stress. For me, stress really starts to show up around deadline time. If I have properly scheduled myself, no stress. If I have too much going on, proper scheduling goes out the window. This episode I talk about how goals should help you reduce that stress if done properly. I also have Bill Schnarr on the show. Bill is an award winning journalist, horror author, editor and publisher. We had a really great conversation that I’m pleased to share with you today. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 98 – JW Schnarr Talks Horror Everything has to start somewhere […]

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My Achilles Heel

I think there are several things that I do well (although I usually don’t dwell on what they are). On the writing front, I am able to knock off words that make sense relatively quickly. I’m a good line editor and a passing developmental editor on other people’s work. I’m even pretty good at talking to people about writing and pitching my work. What I am VERY bad at (and hence the title of this post) is promoting my work once it is out there. I don’t know what it is. Maybe I’m worried that I will talk TOO much about my writing and drive people away. I’ve seen many other people do exactly that. All I get from them […]

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Book Review: Imago Book 3 – A Warrior’s Tale

A Warrior’s Tale tells the story of Nayla Treeborn, a half-elf, half-human warrior and her struggles to live in a world that is intolerant of a half-breed. The novel, while the third in the series, is actually a prequel to the first book. It starts and ends at essentially the same point with the meat of the novel consisting of one long flashback. It sounds odd, but it works after the first jolt into the past. The author avoids the bouncing back and forth by writing one continuous flashback at the very start of the story when the protagonist begins to relive the past. Everything else flows back to that very moment of introspection. This story is unique in a […]

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