Tesseracts Fifteen Review

Tesseracts Fifteen is an experiment of sorts. It marks the first time in the Tesseracts anthology series that all the stories are Young Adult. As an experiment I think it works quite well.

The thing about Young Adult stories is, they really cross all genres and, they can be enjoyed by adults as well as younger people. That being the case, this anthology is a fine representation of all things Young Adult

There are stories that are clearly science fiction, horror, fantasy, adventure and some that embody tropes from multiple genres. The main characters could easily be the kids you see on the bus every day.

The individual contributions to the anthology were a fine mix of stories that made me think; many left me wanting more: more time with the characters and more time with the story itself. Most left me thoughtful, exploring both what I thought the authors were saying as well as what they left unsaid.

I have become quite fond of anthologies in general, as of late, because the stories are perfect lengths for my commute. Tesseracts Fifteen is a fine example of the medium, filled with interesting, well thought out and well executed stories.


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