Holy Carp!

I’ve been suffering from low energy and motivation levels for the past couple weeks, but I never thought it was this bad. How bad is it? Well, it’s obviously bad enough that I FORGOT to post last Wednesday. That’s only the second time since this site was started more than two years ago.

What the hell? And to make matters worse, I only just realized it.

All I can say is… well there really isn’t anything I can say, is there? So here is my Wednesday post a couple days late.

I’ve actually been going to bed early the last three days. Part of that is because, as I’m driving home, I’m having trouble staying awake. Never a good thing in rush hour traffice. I haven’t been writing or reading either.

Time to pull myself out of this skid. Holidays won’t be coming any too soon, let me tell you.

I guess I need to set a few goals for myself for the next couple weeks so here goes:

  1. Finish reading Geist and do my audio and text reviews of it. Put them everywhere.
  2. Finish reading Cinco de Mayo and put review up for Edge’s “Christmas is Coming” effort. I was asked to do this only a couple days ago.
  3. Finish preparing “GalaxyBillies” for Podiobooks and get the end-of-story show ready. This is going to take a bit of effort, not to mention recording with a few people, so it could run into the new year.
  4. Write a short story for 20Spec. I have the idea in my head already and have given it considerable thought so it should flow reasonably well.
  5. Get back into writing my NaNoNovel (AKA Top Secret Project).

That’s enough goals for the next two weeks, I think. What are you planning to do in that time?

Personal Update

Fingers are crossed that my pirate story for VG Ford is accepted. If it isn’t I have a secondary market in mind but I would love to be part of her anthology “Spells and Swashbucklers”. We will see if it fits or not.


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