
There is a lot going on in the world today. Countries invading other countries, radical groups killing and terrorizing other people and other countries. Just yesterday a second occurrence in a week hit Canada and people were hurt and killed. These are all examples of bullying on an International scale.

They are enough to make me say, “Stop the world, I want to get off.”

But that won’t fix the problem.

While I was following several of the newsworthy events yesterday, I came across an article by Felica Day. For those of you who don’t know who Ms. Day is, she is an actress, a creative talent and a geek like me. She has taken a love of all things geeky and made a very credible and noteworthy career out of it.

I am a HUGE fan of her and so, when I read her article, I was angered by the bullying she mentioned in the article. THEN I heard that her post (which was very non-threatening) had garnered unwanted attention (I refuse to even mention their name or tag because that only lends them credibility) and she had been doxxed (her personal information like home address, etc. was put online – here is a further article about that).

It drove me to comment on a few Tweets.

(Addendum: In one of the Tweets I specifically said, “Should be legal to hunt down and destroy the bastards.” I will admit that I was angry when I Tweeted that, but I will also say I was very specific in using the word, “Destroy.” As in, shine the light on the cockroaches and make them accountable for their actions. I have since seen more than a couple Tweets where my words have been twisted to mean kill them. If I had meant kill, I would have said kill)

Now, I want to note that none of the Tweets actually mentioned the groups name, no associated tags were present or anything else.

Within two hours, I had received no less than a dozen Tweets from admitted adherents to the group. Some of the Tweets were condescending, some were threatening and some claimed innocence of the online atrocities. All were bullying in their content and tone.

You might think that the word, “Atrocities” is a bit strong with all the evil going on in the world, but I think it is warranted. It is a clear example of people (and trust me, there are many other words I think work better than ‘people) trying to damage, injure and otherwise destroy innocent people because they can. And they are doing it in the most cowardly way possible. Anonymously. I would love to see them call a news conference and say the same things. That, at least would be honest and show some guts.

But I digress.

Perhaps the group that “contacted” me is innocent of the crimes being attributed to them. I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt…after the first Tweet. By the third and fourth any sympathy I might have shown was long gone. Any group that is innocent as they profess to be would go after the perpetrators of the injustice. Not after someone who merely commented on it.

So, I blocked them and will continue to do so. I don’t need to hear the inane bleating of a bunch of self-righteous impotent fools. There are bigger problems in the world.

I hope, at some point, they realize that.


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