This section contains new books and reviews of books I’ve read.

Mik Murdoch is into Final Edits

I received the last set of edits from my editor, Robert Runte, on Saturday. Robert’s comments were all very positive which was very gratifying to read. This version only has 150 required changes, most very minor. It feels great to have them now and to know that the story really doesn’t need any major work. Robert is (he says) very happy with the quality of the manuscript so that is encouraging. Now, I just have to work my way through and finish it. As in the previous version of the manuscript, we are working in Microsoft Word with Track Changes on. This is a great way to go because I can see Robert’s changes and comments and he can see […]

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Review: Zombiefied! An Anthology of All Things Zombie

My interest in zombies is fairly recent. I’ve never seen any of George A. Romero’s movies although I am aware of them. Still, what I know of zombies is that they are shambling, undead horrors. How in heaven’s name could you create an entire anthology around that premise? As it turns out, that isn’t what Carol Hightshoe did with Zombified. Instead, she twists the zombie mythos to bring a new flavor to the whole thing. Granted, some of the stories do feature traditional zombies, but others have zombie incarnations I’ve never considered. For example, one story features a zombie super-hero. I found myself really enjoying the anthology. The stories are varied, some with the perspective of the victims and others […]

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Learning a New Skill

One of the skills I haven’t had to learn quite yet is how to market my books. Yes, I’ve been working for a long time to make the right contacts and I’ve been learning everything I can about building my author’s platform, but it isn’t the same. Marketing Mik Murdock, Boy Superhero when it is available is going to be something completely new. I’m really grateful this isn’t my publisher’s first rodeo. That takes some of the pressure off. I know when I ask what I can do and who I need to talk to Lorina will have answers for me. But, what should I be doing now in preparation? That’s the question that keeps me up at night. Should […]

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Tesseracts Fifteen Review

Tesseracts Fifteen is an experiment of sorts. It marks the first time in the Tesseracts anthology series that all the stories are Young Adult. As an experiment I think it works quite well. The thing about Young Adult stories is, they really cross all genres and, they can be enjoyed by adults as well as younger people. That being the case, this anthology is a fine representation of all things Young Adult There are stories that are clearly science fiction, horror, fantasy, adventure and some that embody tropes from multiple genres. The main characters could easily be the kids you see on the bus every day. The individual contributions to the anthology were a fine mix of stories that made […]

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