Managing Priorities

Managing Priorities Our lives are filled with often-conflicting events. Prioritizing those things is the only way to survive (and succeed). In my case, my daughter was getting married AND I have a book to edit for publication (there are a couple more AND’s in there as well, but those are the two biggies). If you’ve never had a book published before you might lean in that direction. It was never a question for me; my daughter did and always will take precedence over my writing. So, being the father of the bride, I spent my time supporting her and my wife as well as I could and prepared for the wedding. The book sat waiting for my attention. Back to […]

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I Am Editing

If you are like me, you probably enjoy the act of creating new work more than the act of polishing it. I know there are people out there who LOVE editing their writing more than the actual writing itself. I do like the polishing, but with all the ideas in my head fighting to get out, the writing is still more enjoyable. But…unless the polishing happens, there can be no publication of stories. If there is no publication, then I’m not sharing my work with people and that is ultimately what I want to do. So, with two books at the editing stage, I am now hunkering down to get the polishing done. The current book I’m working on is Jack […]

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One More Touch-up

Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie War is so close to being done, I can almost taste it. I have one little scene to work on and it is off for final line edits. I also know my my excellent cover artist is working on another amazing cover. He is creating some special Scout badges for the cover that I might just have to get made up for sale. They are uber-cool and may be the first thing I put in my storefront when I’ve finished building it (the new host has great plug-ins that should enable that easily). And, speaking of the new host, did you notice any difference in the website? If I’ve done it correctly, the answer should […]

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Achievement Unlocked

Yesterday, I finished my first full-pass edits for Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie War. That puts the book one step closer to its planned June release. Finishing a book in the first place is a big deal. Getting it ready for publication is too, especially when this is my second series to hit multiple books. By the end of this year, I will have four series that have at least two titles. I think that’s a hint to myself that I should finish my book series before I start new ones. It’s just, new ideas are SO much fun to explore, darn it! 🙂 There is still a lot to do. The book will have a second edit/revision pass and […]

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