Mik Murdoch is into Final Edits

I received the last set of edits from my editor, Robert Runte, on Saturday. Robert’s comments were all very positive which was very gratifying to read. This version only has 150 required changes, most very minor. It feels great to have them now and to know that the story really doesn’t need any major work. Robert is (he says) very happy with the quality of the manuscript so that is encouraging. Now, I just have to work my way through and finish it. As in the previous version of the manuscript, we are working in Microsoft Word with Track Changes on. This is a great way to go because I can see Robert’s changes and comments and he can see […]

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Editing Update – It is to Laugh

I made what I’m sure is a rookie mistake last night in my editing. I revised an entire chapter based on the comments of my editor only to get to the last page and read, “Rewrite the chapter. Nothing really happens…”. There was more to the comment, but I had just spent over an hour tweaking and making everything better based on previous comments. Am I angry? No, not at all. The rewriting process was good and I will be able to use some of what I did. The joke, and it is a joke on me, is that I didn’t read all the comments on the chapter before I started my revision. That could lead to the question: did […]

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Editing Update – Lessons Learned at the Halfway Point

I’ve had the marked up manuscript for “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero” since August and I have been making some steady progress. One of the things my editor, Robert Runte’ said to me before I even saw the edits was, it would be a lot of work, but it would save me a lot of time in the long run (i.e. future novels). Seeing the items he has requested for revision, I would have to agree with him. Three stand out specifically: 1. Rushing Scenes I’ve probably mentioned this before and I’m sure I’m not unique in this writing mistake. I have the bad habit of finishing a scene too quickly. I’ve really looked at it (and myself) to better understand […]

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Don’t Overlook the Little Things – Notes on Revision

The revision process has been a series of aha moments for me. The latest one has to do with how two of my characters come together and form a bond. The book I’m revising is, of course, “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero” and the bond I’m talking about is that of a superhero and his sidekick, or, in this case, a boy and his dog. Let me set the stage: Mik has just been given a puppy by his parents. Except, the puppy doesn’t want to do anything except mope around the house. Mik and his mother discuss how the puppy has just been weaned and is homesick. It might help if Mik and the dog spend some quality time together. […]

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