A last minute decision is still a decision

I made a decision this morning. It freaks me out a little, but now that I’ve made it, I’m committed (or maybe should be). Is it too late? Not by a long shot. NaNoWriMo only began today so I have an entire month to meet my goals. The most important headline here is, I decided to participate. What was that decision, you might ask? Well, I decided to do NaNoWriMo again this year after a two year hiatus. I won’t go over what NaNoWriMo is – I know I’ve talked about it at length in the past – but I will give you my reasons why I’ve decided to do it again this year. Community One of the things I’ve […]

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Reforming an old habit

How does one go about reforming an old habit? In some cases (usually negative cases) the old habit comes easily. I think about things like procrastinating. It’s so easy to simply do nothing. Rebuilding a productive habit is much harder. It takes effort. It takes planning. Most of all, it takes diligence. Breaking the old habit in the first place I will admit, I have the problem of overcommitting. I’m usually good, going 100 miles an hour for several months, doing a ton of different things, getting pulled in multiple directions. The problem is, it always catches up with me (eventually). When that happens, things come crashing down. It’s almost like coming down from the world’s biggest sugar-high. After the […]

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False Start Shouldn’t Mean Full Stop

Having a false start shouldn’t mean a full stop. It happens and when it does, you should review what happened, pick yourself up and start again. There have been many times I’ve had to rewrite sections of a book when I’m in the editing phase. Never have I had a book where I’ve started. Thrown away what I’ve written. Started again, only to throw that away too. Until now, that is. It’s been no secret that I struggled during the recent plague years. Very little writing was done although I did think about it a lot (usually with guilt weighing me down that I wasn’t writing more). I came up with a solid plot premise for Mik Murdoch 5. I […]

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Try Something New

One of the many things I enjoy about writing is the ever-existing opportunity to try something new. It could be writing in a different genre, it could be trying to plan a novel (or pantster one) or it could be a new PoV. That is probably why you see me writing in so many different genres. I come up with a story idea and it sort of tells me the genre it belongs in. Scouts of the Apocalypse is a prime example of that. I’d never even considered writing horror before I got that story idea. But my Scouts enjoyed the campfire version of it so much, I knew I had to write it for real. A trilogy of horror […]

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