It became painfully apparent to me this week that I’ve been spending too much time exercising my writing muscles and not enough with the rest. I started playing softball and found that I have no stamina and I was practically crippled from throwing a ball and swinging a bat. That’s the first time that’s happened to me. I’m not sure what I expected. When I got laid off in October of last year I become a bigger computer potato than I was before. When I went back to work I didn’t restart my daily walks and I certainly wasn’t doing that at home. For that I have only myself to blame. Now that I really stop and think about it, […]
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The Value of Community
The craft of writing can be a solitary one, but it doesn’t have to be. The Internet provides a means to always be connected to friends, family and colleagues. It can also be an enormous time-sink but that is a conversation for another time. I want to talk about the availability of community, both writing and otherwise through the Internet and daily life. Is community really important? I know of writers who prefer to be alone and separated from their writing peers at work and in everyday life and I respect that. I also think those people are missing out on something; the ability to talk the craft and exchange ideas. “What kind of ideas?” you may ask. Well, speaking […]
Read moreThe Excitement of a New Story
If you are a writer, chances are you know how necessary, and painful, editing your work can be. You finish writing your newest masterwork and all you want to do is get it out to an adoring audience. But you know that there is still work to be done and so you go through it over and over (and over again). By the time you think it might be good enough to go to an agent or publisher you are thoroughly sick of it. You might even be tired of writing. Sound familiar? But what about all those other stories flitting through your mind? The first thing you should remember is that it isn’t the writing that you are tired […]
Read moreGet Published, Episode 3 – Don’t Fail to Plan (2nd try)
Howdy Folks. Episode 3 is here a last. If you have already seen it, have I got a story for you. Well maybe not a GREAT story, but a story. After posting this episode of the podcast I noticed that it wasn’t showing up in iTunes. I checked the developer website and lo and behold, a new version existed to fix my problem. Trouble was, it didn’t fix anything. It caused my podcast to stop working entirely. Not quite what I had in mind. I have reverted back to a previous version and I am hoping it shows up in iTunes this time around. No guarantees though, so I will be watching it. This time around I wanted to talk […]
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