A Change of Plans

First of all, let me say that my change of plans is not a bad thing. I am not stopping anything that I am already doing (i.e. weekly blog entries or either of my podcasts). I’m not even reducing the frequency of what I’m doing. So just what the heck is going on? Enough mystery. Let me explain. It had been my intention to offset my two podcasts. Do ‘Get Published’ one week, ‘GalaxyBillies’ the next. They are currently being released the same week. I looked at that schedule and wondered if it wouldn’t be better (from a shear level-of-effort)  to have them offset. I planned to do a quick release of ‘GalaxyBillies’ for a couple episodes to get me to […]

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Get Published Episode 22 – New Years’ Goals… or are they Resolutions?

Happy New Years, Everyone. I wanted to start the new year out talking about my own personal goals for 2010. I have some ambitious plans for the coming year that I want to share with you. I also have a great question regarding when to start connecting to people via social media. It’s a little shorter episode than the past few, but I wanted to ease into the new year. Thanks for joining me for another year. I hope we can make it a great one together. -Michell Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 22 – New Years’ Goals… or are they Resolutions? Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 0:14 […]

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Working Out the Bugs

Every new project, be it writing, podcasting, woodworking or whatever, has a teething period where everything isn’t quite perfect. That has certainly been true of all my past projects and it is proving to be true with my current writing/podcasting project. The project I’m talking about is my new GalaxyBillies story/podcast. To give you some history, I first came up with the rough story idea a year or so ago. I came up with the plan to write comedy MUCH farther back than that (say four or five years farther back, if not more) so this project wasn’t something I just sat down to write one day on a whim. The first two drafts were less than… ideal, I suppose […]

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Let Your Mind Wander

The subconscious mind is an amazing thing. Have you ever been in the situation where you were trying to remember someone’s name or a word and a few minutes after you’ve given up, it pops into your mind? Happens to me all the time. I’ve noticed that my writing is being done subconsciously too at times. I get my characters in a bind and I can’t think of a good, logical way to get them out of it. I walk and I think and I try different things but nothing works. Then, out of the blue, an idea hits me that is so freaking awesome I wonder why I never thought of it sooner. In the past I thought it […]

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