Follow the Dots

There are times when I think I am a bit slow. There are other times when I KNOW I am, but that is a story for another time. As you well know, I talk about networking…a LOT! What I haven’t really mentioned is that when you meet one person, it is a great idea to also learn who they know. Allow me to illustrate my point. A few weeks ago, I received an email from Ian at Deux Voiliers Publishing. He had stumbled acrossGet Publishedand asked if I would be interested in interviewing some of Deux Voiliers’ authors. I am always looking for guest so I said yes. I also asked him if he would appear so I could get […]

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It Has Been a Good Year

As I spend time with my family, I can’t help but reflect on the positives of 2012. First and foremost, my family continues to be healthy and happy. My children are doing well in school and my wife is enjoying her job. Get Published will hit its 100th episode in less than two weeks and I have many more interesting people already lined up for year five. The Action Pack Podcast is also going well. On the writing front, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero was released August 1st and is gaining momentum. I’ve also got book two of the series under contract. The anthology, A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil is under contract and will be released next […]

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Get Published Episode 99 – eBooks and Enthrill Distribution

Happy Holidays, everyone! I hope you are all getting a break from the workaday and are spending some quality time doing what you enjoy. In today’s episode I am happy to have President of Enthrill Distribution, Kevin Franco talking about Enthrill’s excellent eBook gift card product. I first came across it at When Words Collide and then again at World Fantasy Convention. I think it is a fantastic way to market and sell eBooks and I’m very glad he agreed to come on the show. I’ve also had more success with promotion through the simplest means possible: talking to people. I discuss this in more detail during the tips and typos section of the show. That’s today’s episode. I hope […]

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In My Corner

I talk a lot about trying to find time/make time to write. I don’t talk enough about what enables me to actually sit down and do my writing. That would be my family (and to a lesser, but equally important extent, my friends). When I have writing that needs to be done, my spouse and children have always allowed me to do what was necessary. Even those times when they had activities going on that required my attention, they put them on hold for my writing. Without that support, I could never have done what I’ve done so far and will do in the future. So why am I talking about it now? Well, today I fly to Toronto to […]

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