Get Published Episode 62 – Negotiating Contracts

I had the good fortune to talk to Robin Sullivan for the show once again. This time she was fresh from negotiating a contract for her husband, Michael Sullivan, with Orbit Books. Robin brings lots of contract experience to this conversation, both from an author’s point-of-view and from the publisher’s. It was a very enjoyable and rewarding conversation for me. I also talk about how writers can go about learning some of the necessary information about their genres of choice: things like who publishes in the genre and how long the books typically are. I hope you enjoy the show. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 62 – Negotiating Contracts Everything has to start somewhere and this […]

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Get Published Episode 55 – David B. Coe Talks About the Writing Life

I met David B. Coe at a local convention last year when we both sat a writing panel for beginners.  He sat at one end of the panel table and I sat the other. Pretty appropriate when you compare our writing journeys thus far. We were chatting after the panel and I asked if he would be interested in coming on Get Published. He gave me a hearty yes and we exchanged contact information. I am pleased to say that you will hear our discussion today. I knew even before we connected that it would be a great conversation. David is a great writer who has already had a long and successful career. I was pretty confident that we would […]

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Get Published Episode 54 – Lorna Suzuki – Self-Published Success

Hello Everyone and thank you for joining me. In this week’s episode of Get Published I had the pleasure of speaking with Lorna Suzuki. Lorna Suzuki is a full-time scriptwriter specializing in biographic documentaries for TV. She is also the author of both the Imago series and the new Young Adult Fantasy series, The Dream Merchant Saga. If that weren’t enough, she has over 25-years of experience in various forms of martial arts and is a 4-dan practitioner and instructor of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. I also did a review of Terry Pratchett’s latest release, “I Shall Wear Midnight”, another tale of Tiffany Aching and the Nac Mac Feegle. Finally, I talk a little about my own writing projects. I hope you […]

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