Get Published Episode 77 – The Skinny on the Mad Scientist’s Handbook

Last episode, I mentioned The Action Pack Podcast. Everything is just about ready for release. The first episodes of each of the three stories have been writen and recorded for the podcast and the scripts have been sent in for the eBooks. The website,, even has teasers for you to read. We’re all getting pretty excited to see and hear the first episode. I’ve also been making some good headway in my GalaxyBillies edits AND JR Murdock and I have the second book in our collaboration series about half-way plotted out. We’re just finishing the final edits on the first book so we can send it out to our Alpha readers. All that and I expect to see the […]

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Get Published Episode 73 – Jeremy Lassen & Nightshade Books

As I talked about last episode, I went to World Fantasy Convention hoping to line up some guests for the show. The first, with Michael Stackpole was a great conversation but there was a lot of background noise that I wasn’t able to clean up. My second interview also suffers from background noise, this time from people in the area. I kept trying to find different and better places to do the interviews but everywhere I went there were people. Today’s interview is with Jeremy Lassen, Editor-in-Chief at Nightshade books. I met Jeremy once before and I was very happy to get some of his time for the interview. I also have another segment of JRMurdock’s “Unorthodox Writing Tips”. I […]

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