Get Published Episode 103 – Deux Voiliers Publishing Making Art

On today’s show I have Ian Shaw who is the publisher for Deux Voiliers Publishing. I met Ian through Nicole Chardenet. Or did I meet Nicole through Ian? Sometimes the introductions get a little muddies. Either way, I met them both and we had a great discussion. I also talk about deadlines. How I handle them and some of the tools I use to keep them tracked and under control. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it.   Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 103 – Deux Voiliers Publishing Making Art Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 103 – Deux Voiliers Publishing Making Art […]

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Get Published Episode 102 – Nicole Chardenet Brings Laughs to Love

You may not know this, but I have been looking for guests who write outside the normal featured genres on Get Published. Traditionally, I have had lots of Science Fiction and Fantasy writers with the occasional Horror person thrown in for good measure. This hasn’t been done to exclude all the other genres, I promise you. It is more about who I know in the writing field than any effort to exclude anyone. That means, I haven’t been networking outside my own chosen genre as well as I should. That is a shame because ALL writers have something to share about their own publishing journeys, market differences and even the various tropes that are inherent to their own genres of […]

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Get Published Episode 101 – Krista D. Ball Has Created a Food Sourcebook

I met the publishers from Tyche Books last Fall at “When Words Collide”. They talked about a new book they had coming out called “What Kings Ate and Wizards Drank”. The non-fiction book was going to talk about food throughout the ages with an eye to helping Fantasy and other Speculative Fiction writers add realism to their work. They were very excited about the book and, I must confess, I was looking forward to reading the final product. You will hear my review of the book today. ASIN: B009ZX8W3K I also got the opportunity to interview the book’s author, Krista D Ball. We talked about a number of things including the book itself, the differences between fiction and non-fiction writing, research […]

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A Wrench in the Works

This week I have the pleasure of traveling for work. Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy traveling on occasion. However, this was somewhat last minute and I came without most of my normal paraphanalia. No personal laptop is probably the biggest missing piece. Instead, I decided to try using Logmein on my iPad to keep in contact with my home email and other bits and pieces. Let me begin by saying, the application is pretty decent. It allows me to virtually connect to my home system and interact with it. The smaller screen (of the iPad) hasn’t proven to be too much of an issue as I can expand on a piece of screen as necessary. Clicking, selecting, cut & paste […]

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