A Wrench in the Works

This week I have the pleasure of traveling for work. Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy traveling on occasion. However, this was somewhat last minute and I came without most of my normal paraphanalia. No personal laptop is probably the biggest missing piece. Instead, I decided to try using Logmein on my iPad to keep in contact with my home email and other bits and pieces.

Let me begin by saying, the application is pretty decent. It allows me to virtually connect to my home system and interact with it. The smaller screen (of the iPad) hasn’t proven to be too much of an issue as I can expand on a piece of screen as necessary. Clicking, selecting, cut & paste are all interesting (see painful) but possible. The bluetooth keyboard I have with me has been a godsend.

Unfortunately, it has made some of my editing projects difficult to impossible. Add that difficulty to being out of my own timezone by 2 hours, not the same applications on my iPad and the various dinner meetings and other activities and I find that I have done absolutely nothing on my editing, writing or other projects. It also means I’ve been very hit and miss on my Tweets and Facebook postings.

Good thing I have next week to catch up…wait, nope, that won’t work either. World Fantasy Convention is my destination next Wednesday. I guess that means I have to be VERY productive this weekend.

It has been good though, being on the road. I have seen things I haven’t seen before, had some new experiences and learned some of the limitations to my on-the-road tech plan. Hoping (praying?) that Scrivener for iPad is released soon so that capability is added to my arsenal.


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