Point of View

I’ve had a couple of things happen in the past day or so that makes me realize that what I see is not necessarily what others see too. Or, at least, not exactly the same. I guess it goes back to the saying that if you ask ten people about an event you will get ten different stories. Some of the details will likely match, but outside of that, the renditions might be very different. That got me thinking about my writing. I normally focus on seeing the story through the eyes of the major character, whether it is the protagonist or antagonist. That has always seemed more real. More in the heart of things. That gives me the opportunity […]

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GalaxyBillies – Episode 19

Well folks, this is the end. Now we all have a chance to find out what happens to Earth, Greklor, Grokmar, MegaDan and, of course, the humans themselves. I would like to thank you all for joining me on this journey. It has been both gruelling and extremely rewarding. The next step for the story is to move it over to Podiobooks.com. I’m also going to shelf the story for a few months before I come back and edit it into book form. If I’m lucky, it will see a paper version in the near future. One last thing. I will be making t-shirts available to celebrate GalaxyBillies completion and move to podiobooks. Watch for it in the next two […]

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Story Ideas

With NaNoWriMo fast approaching, I wanted to talk about the process where I develop my own ideas into stories. For the purpose of this I will use a sample idea and work it through. Coming up with a story idea This is the single easiest part of the story for me. I get story ideas from everywhere all the time. From television, movies, other books, going for walks and hearing the news. The commonly held belief among “Experts” is that there are no new idea. Just new ways to execute them. Whether that’s true or not I don’t know. I just know that I get these cool story ideas running through my head and I can’t wait to start writing. […]

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The Excitement of a New Story

If you are a writer, chances are you know how necessary, and painful, editing your work can be.  You finish writing your newest masterwork and all you want to do is get it out to an adoring audience.  But you know that there is still work to be done and so you go through it over and over (and over again). By the time you think it might be good enough to go to an agent or publisher you are thoroughly sick of it.  You might even be tired of writing.  Sound familiar? But what about all those other stories flitting through your mind?  The first thing you should remember is that it isn’t the writing that you are tired […]

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