A Ways to Go

I couple weeks ago my publisher, Robert Runte’, suggested I changed this website’s tagline from “from an amateur’s perspective” to “from a former amateur’s perspective.” I thought about his comment for a couple days before I went ahead and made the change as he suggested because…well, I AM being paid for my writing (more often than not) which, by definition, makes me a professional writer. That doesn’t mean I have arrived and can quit learning, however. I’ve still got LOTS to learn. That means, I still have lots to share. For example, I’m only just going into my second book’s edits. It is the second book in a series, which is also new to me. In case you didn’t hear, I […]

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Get Published Episode 75 – Jennifer White Talks Screenwriting

I’ve been curious about screenwriting and just how a writer can make it in Hollywood. Can screenwriters work outside Los Angeles and be successful? I was able to ask these questions and many more when I talked to Jennifer White who is a screenwriter, tagline writer and novelist. I am also happy to have JRMurdock do another of his Unorthodox Writing Tips. In today’s show he talks about paying attention. I also wanted to briefly talk about a couple of new projects I’m working on that you may or may not be aware of. The first, of these is the Mad Scientist Handbook that you have likely heard a promo for on previous episodes of the show. The Handbook is […]

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