Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie Masters

It’s Here! It has been two years since the zombie apocalypse ended, but Scouter Mike continues to relive the horror every day in his dreams. When he and his Scouts are invited to the World Jamboree in Japan, he is reluctant to go. But go he does and it isn’t long before the horror starts again. But why now? And, even more important, why here? Mike and his Scouts must battle the undead one more time as they race to find out why it’s happening again and stop it once and for all. Amazon Amazon Kindle Kobo

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Playing in the Snow

I went out into the mountains over the weekend with my Scouts and Venturers to build Quinzees (snow shelters). This is always a fun camp for the youth (and the leaders if they would care to admit it). Not for everyone, I suppose, but still a fun time. Here are some pictures of the activities below.  

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A Change of Scenery

I’ve been struggling a little bit the past few months. I’ve talked about the challenges of an ailing parent; I know that is a large part of it. Having someone I am now 100% responsible for who neither understands nor approves of being under my care has been difficult. It has affected my sleep and weighed heavily on my mind. As you might imagine, it has negatively impacted my writing as well. So, this weekend, myself and several of my fellow Scout Leaders will be taking a group of our Scouting youth out to the mountains to build quinzees (see picture for sample). We will be helping the Scouts build the quinzees and then they will have the opportunity to […]

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The Scouts are Coming to Save the Day

I have been involved with Scouts as a leader for more than twelve years now and I’m always getting something new and refreshing from my experiences with them. One thing I never really anticipated was the stories I would get from them. I mean, I get ideas from everything I do, but never did I think a full-blown story would come. I think I may have talked about my book Scouts of the Apocalypse once or twice. That book came from a campfire story I told my Scout troop. By the time I got home, I knew I had something special. That was based on the reactions I got from the scouts at camp and on the way home. So, […]

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