Get Published Episode 127 – YA Author Arthur Slade

I expected 2014 to be busy and full of new experiences and so far, I haven’t been disappointed. I’m going full-bore on my Mik Murdoch: The Power Within edits, getting ready for the work on Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty AND getting ramped up for the new anthology Jeff Hite and I are putting out. I also just finished my first workshop for one of the local school’s too. And January is nowhere near over. That’s just the writing side of my life. I’ve got lots going on at work, with my family and with my scouts too, so spare time doesn’t seem to exist right now. At least, I don’t have to worry about getting into trouble. […]

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Get Published Episode 120 – Leah Crichton, Wattpad Success

The road to writing success is a varied one and on today’s show I talk to Leah Crichton about how she has found success via Wattpad. I’ve been interested in Wattpad for some time and, because of Leah and my friend Aaron Kite, I decided to take the plunge. You can now find Boyscouts of the Apocalypse in its entirety up on Wattpad. Just search for Michell Plested and you will find it. Leah and I had a great discussion, which I am pleased to share with you today. I also talk about a workshop I’m planning for school visits. It is about using your own experiences to create stories. I talk about it from a Young Adult perspective, but […]

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Get Published Episode 102 – Nicole Chardenet Brings Laughs to Love

You may not know this, but I have been looking for guests who write outside the normal featured genres on Get Published. Traditionally, I have had lots of Science Fiction and Fantasy writers with the occasional Horror person thrown in for good measure. This hasn’t been done to exclude all the other genres, I promise you. It is more about who I know in the writing field than any effort to exclude anyone. That means, I haven’t been networking outside my own chosen genre as well as I should. That is a shame because ALL writers have something to share about their own publishing journeys, market differences and even the various tropes that are inherent to their own genres of […]

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