Get Published Episode 106 – J Daniel Sawyer and Creating Audio Books

On today’s show I have J Daniel Sawyer, a writer, producer, podcaster and voice-over artist. His list of fiction publications, both long and short-form are approaching fifty and he has been known to talk about contracts and copyright on occasion. Dan has recently released a book on creating audiobooks and we talk about that and why the budding author should care about their books in audio. I also talk about style guides. Why they are important and why I find them useful. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 106 – J Daniel Sawyer and Creating Audio Books Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” […]

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Get Published Episode 105 – Comedy Writing with Ira Nayman

On today’s show I have Ira Nayman, a Canadian comedy writer who has written both books and screenplays. He was also a writer/performer in a comedy troop in the 80’s. Ira and I talk about writing and comedy and several other things that we found funny at the time. I also provide a review of Ira’s book, Welcome to the Multiverse, Sorry for the Inconvenience. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 105 – Comedy Writing with Ira Nayman Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 105 – Comedy Writing with Ira Nayman (continued) Welcome to the show. […]

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Get Published Episode 94 – Barbara Galler-Smith, Multi-faceted Writer

I often think that, to be a successful writer, you should have a good understanding of the writing craft from multiple angles. That means writing, reading, editing, marketing and promotion and even publishing. That’s the ideal, of course, and few of us have either the time or the connections to make that experience happen. On today’s episode, I get to talk to someone who has seen publishing and the writing industry from several different directions. She is a writer, editor, slush pile reader, writing instructor and published author. Barbara Galler-Smith couples that with a wealth of varied life experiences and has a lot of interesting things to say. I also talk about my experiences collaborating on a novel with JR […]

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