Get Published Episode 98 – JW Schnarr Talks Horror

The holiday season is upon us and for some that means stress. For me, stress really starts to show up around deadline time. If I have properly scheduled myself, no stress. If I have too much going on, proper scheduling goes out the window. This episode I talk about how goals should help you reduce that stress if done properly. I also have Bill Schnarr on the show. Bill is an award winning journalist, horror author, editor and publisher. We had a really great conversation that I’m pleased to share with you today. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 98 – JW Schnarr Talks Horror Everything has to start somewhere […]

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Get Published Episode 69 – Virginia O’Dine & Bundoran Press

I’ve had the good fortune to meet some remarkable people at conventions and online. One of those people is Virginia O’Dine. Virginia is one of the founders, the publisher and editor for Bundoran Press. We have tried to get together for an interview before, but it has taken the better part of two years to finally line up our schedules. It was a great conversation and I hope you enjoy it. I also want to give you a personal update. By the time this episode hits the feed, I will be at the 2011 World Fantasy Convention with my writing partner, JR Murdock. JR is from San Diego where the con is being held and we both though it would […]

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Get Published Episode 67 – Jack Whyte Talks About Agents, Publishers and Editors

There are several authors I have always wanted to talk to. Anne McCaffrey, Terry Pratchett and Jack Whyte are all at the top of the list. When I heard Jack Whyte was going to be at the “When Words Collide” conference, I hoped to be able to talk to him there. I was blown away when he actually agreed to appear on “Get Published”. Jack has been a published author for more than 20 years and I am a huge fan.  Jack had a lot of things to say about agents, publishers and the editing process. It was a great interview, but longer than most. That being the case, this episode will not have a tips and typos section. I […]

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How I hope to sell my books

I’ve been thinking a lot about books and how they are being published. Probably very much like a lot of you are too. The publishing industry is undergoing some extremely big changes from the way authors are signed to books published and finally distributed and sold. It seems to me that there is a parallel to the huge format change (albeit a small one) that has me thinking in a certain direction. The parallel I’m thinking of is that of DVD to Blu-Ray. You may argue that the change in format was a minor thing. The DVD’s published under the old standard continue to hit the shelves and the Blu-Ray are starting to fill the niche. Sounds a little like […]

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