I’m (Finally) Published on Wattpad

  (Warning, this post contains a multitude of links) I’ve been hearing about Wattpad a LOT over the past months/year. My good friend Aaron Kite has several of his novels up on the site and even won the Watty Award for his novel, ‘A Touch of Poison’ (which I highly recommend, BTW). Ever since hearing about it, I’ve been considering how to best approach Wattpad. I mean, what are the ramifications to putting one of my stories up there to readers and publishers alike? Do I actually have a novel polished enough to publish in this way. What if the other kids don’t like me? It is sometimes easy, especially for me, to procrastinate to the point that nothing EVER […]

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A Change is as Good as a Rest

Okay, the above title is not always true. Sometimes a change can be very detrimental. Like, if you go from an employed state to unemployed. Still, I think the inherent meaning of the saying has a lot of truth. In essence, sometimes when you are stuck in a rut, doing something different can help you to move forward and start getting things done again. That is actually both the benefit and the disadvantage to having multiple projects on the go all the time. The benefit: when you get stuck on a piece of the project, you can move on to a different project. The disadvantage is, you can avoid the problem you have been dealing with. Take my WIP, Mik […]

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Still Getting the Hang of It

I’ve been blogging a long time, but that doesn’t mean I know what I’m doing when it comes to my website. Yes, I’m a technical guy, but I’m not an Internet technical guy. That means I’m still not getting the most bang for my buck out of this website. I have been increasing the number of people who actually access my site on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, but are they real people or bots? Are they real people or just aggregation sites? Are they real people who actually want to know about my next book/podcast/appearance? These are all questions I need to ask myself. If I were to judge my success by the number of people who are subscribed to this […]

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