Get Published Episode 104 – Red Tuque Books Does Distribution

On today’s show I have David Korinetz who is the owner of Red Tuque Books. Red Tuque Books is a book distributor in Canada. David and I talk about book distribution and some of the challenges small presses face. I also talk about book reviews. Why they are important and how I personally handle them. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it.   Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 104 – Red Tuque Books Does Distribution Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 104 – Red Tuque Books Does Distribution (continued) Welcome to the show. 00:47 Promo: BabylonPodcast 01:49 -Tips and Typos Mike talks about deadlines. 07:40 […]

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Balancing Writing and Life

I am always running into the conflict of life versus writing. No, they shouldn’t be mutally exclusive, but the time they both demand is often in short supply. Take this week, for example. I am preparing to take holidays so work is extremely busy while I try to tie off loose ends. I also have a book launch coming up August 1st AND I’ve still got my normal writing (Boyscouts of the Apocalypse), editing (Mad Scientist Handbook, Jane Kane novel, GalaxyBillies) and plotting (Mik Murdoch 2). You may have noticed, I didn’t even mention yardwork, house, podcasting and family (not in that order of importance). It feels very overwhelming. So much so, in fact, that I have to mentally block the […]

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Get Published, Episode 3 – Don’t Fail to Plan (2nd try)

Howdy Folks.  Episode 3 is here a last.  If you have already seen it, have I got a story for you.  Well maybe not a GREAT story, but a story. After posting this episode of the podcast I noticed that it wasn’t showing up in iTunes.  I checked the developer website and lo and behold, a new version existed to fix my problem.  Trouble was, it didn’t fix anything.  It caused my podcast to stop working entirely.  Not quite what I had in mind. I have reverted back to a previous version and I am hoping it shows up in iTunes this time around.  No guarantees though, so I will be watching it. This time around I wanted to talk […]

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