Get Published Episode 16 (Special) – The Release of 7th Son is Nigh, A Chat with JC Hutchins

Hello Everyone. When I heard that JC Hutchins’ 7th Son, Descent was about to hit the bookstores I was excited. When JC put the call out for his street team to give him a leg up I knew I had to help so I invited Hutch to come back to the show to pimp his book. My expectation was that he would spend 20 – 30 minutes  to talk about the 7th Son Journey from manuscript to podcast to book. What I got was one of the most enjoyable discussions I’ve had about writing in quite a while. In the interest of full-disclosure, you will only hear about Hutch’s works in this episode. However, you will also get a sneak […]

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Get Published, Episode 12 – The Value of Conventions to a Writer

Hello Everyone. I’ve been thinking about the value of conventions to writers lately, specifically with some wistfulness because I’m missing Dragon Con yet again. As you probably know, I’m a big proponent of self-promotion and what better place to sell yourself than at a convention? Listen in and hear more. Enjoy. Get Published, Episode 12 – The Value of Conventions to a Writer Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 12 Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 0:14 — Introduction – Show #12:  The Value of Conventions to a Writer Welcome to the show. 00:45 — Promos: Variant Frequencies 01:45 — Show #12:  The Value of Conventions to a Writer (continued) […]

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Get Published, Episode 10b – Interview with JC Hutchins (Pt 2)

Hello Everyone. Well, part 2 of JC Hutchins’ interview is now available (at last). I had a few problems getting it out, but I hope you enjoy it. I also took the opportunity to add a voicemail line to the podcast (206.339.1258) and I’ve added some additional features to spruce things up a bit. Enjoy. Get Published, Episode 10b – Interview with JC Hutchins (Pt 2) Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 10b Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 0:14 — Introduction – Show #10b:  Pt 2 of Interview with J.C. Hutchins Welcome to the show. 03:46 — Promos: Crescent 05:56 — Show #10b:  Pt 2 of Interview with J.C. […]

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Get Published, Episode 10a – Interview with JC Hutchins (Pt 1)

Hello Everyone. What better way to celebrate my 10th episode than to have an interview with J.C. Hutchins? J.C., as always, had a great deal to say about his publishing journey so I know you’ll enjoy the discussion. I also took the opportunity to add a voicemail line to the podcast (206.339.1258) and I’ve added some additional features to spruce things up a bit. Enjoy. Get Published, Episode 10a – Interview with JC Hutchins (Pt 1)   Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 10a Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 0:14 — Introduction – Show #10a:  Pt 1 of Interview with J.C. Hutchins Welcome to the show. 00:48 — Promos: […]

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