Get Published, Episode 10a – Interview with JC Hutchins (Pt 1)

Hello Everyone.

What better way to celebrate my 10th episode than to have an interview with J.C. Hutchins? J.C., as always, had a great deal to say about his publishing journey so I know you’ll enjoy the discussion.

I also took the opportunity to add a voicemail line to the podcast (206.339.1258) and I’ve added some additional features to spruce things up a bit.


Get Published, Episode 10a – Interview with JC Hutchins (Pt 1)


Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 10a

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

0:14 — Introduction – Show #10a:  Pt 1 of Interview with J.C. Hutchins

Welcome to the show.

00:48 — Promos: Crescent

02:58 — Show #10a:  Pt 1 of Interview with J.C. Hutchins (continued)

  • Michell answers Dan’s question regarding what format to provide first readers for comments
  • Michell shares feedback for episode 9 from Dan and Nomad Scry
  • Email feedback at getpublishedpodcast dot com with your comments or call the voiceline at (206) 339-1258

09:04 — Promos: Indiana Jim Podcast

10:03 — Show #10a:  Pt 1 of Interview with J.C. Hutchins (continued)

J.C. Hutchins talks about Personal Effects: Dark Arts, 7th Son trilogy and some of the marketing and promotion innovations he has created thus far in his publishing journey.

33:33 — Promos: Personal Effects: Sword of Blood

34:53— Closing

Let me know what you think and definitely use the voicemail line to your heart’s content!


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