Life Happens

Every writer, whether you are full-time or part-time, has had life get in the way of producing content. Maybe a family member isn’t well or perhaps there is a disaster. It could be the day job is more challenging than usual. So what do you do when things interfere with your writing? Do you wail and moan and gnash your teeth saying things like “Woe is me!” or “If only there were more hours in the day!” or do you smile sadly, refocus your dwindling energies and get as many words down as time allows? Sometimes dwindling energies means no energy so you regroup the next day instead. Whatever your response, it is critical that you don’t sit back and […]

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Don’t Let Setbacks Set You Back

We’ve all had moments where things didn’t go quite as planned. We’ve all had times when it seems like the world is plotting against us. Responding positively to these challenges is critically important and often extremely hard to do. Case in point, I interviewed JC Hutchins for ‘Get Published’. I must confess that I was really looking forward to talking with JC. We connected via Skype and started talking. Five minutes into the conversation, JC dropped off. I called him back and we picked up where we had left off. About 25 minutes into the interview, increasing amounts of distortion crept into JC’s side of the talk. I should have halted the session, reconnected and proceeded. Unfortunately, I thought maybe […]

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Hope Springs Eternal

I’ll bet if you were to talk to ten published authors you would learn that most/all of them had many rejections before a publisher finally accepted their manuscripts.  Maybe I should even underline many rejections just to be especially clear. Why would a sane person put themselves through the pain of getting rejection after rejection?  Is it because he or she enjoys the interminable waits followed by the dejection of yet another “no”. Speaking as a rejected author I can tell you that isn’t it. No, each rejection slip is another badge of honor that strengthens my resolve to see my work in print.  I soldier on because I have faith in my stories and I know that if I’m […]

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