The Flurry Before Departure

We’ve all heard the term “Perfect Storm”, right? Well, it feels like I am in the middle of one right now. This Friday, I am leaving for Balticon in Hunt Valley, Maryland. I still have to pack my bags, ensure I’ve got business cards and books AND get my itinerary completely locked down. All that and, right now, there are renovations happening at the house that I didn’t think were coming for a couple more weeks. Oh yeah, AND my mother is moving and I’ve got to get my podcast obligations taken care of and some writing done. Like I said, Perfect Storm (at least for me). So, I’m busier than I would like, trying to deal with everything. C’est […]

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Preparing for Con-Version

I’m sort of a late-comer to conventions. I really only did my first one four years ago. Ever since, I’ve been a convert. I definitely see the value from a network perspective and from a pure learning and having fun point-of-view too. I’ve also wanted to be more involved. Last year I sat in on a panel that talked about Social Media/New Media/Podcasting and its place in writing. I realized quite quickly that this was a panel I should have been on; even though I had only been podcasting for eight months myself, I had been listening to podcasts and learning about them for much longer. That’s when I allowed myself to believe I have something to offer. Immediately following […]

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