Get Published Episode 127 – YA Author Arthur Slade

I expected 2014 to be busy and full of new experiences and so far, I haven’t been disappointed. I’m going full-bore on my Mik Murdoch: The Power Within edits, getting ready for the work on Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty AND getting ramped up for the new anthology Jeff Hite and I are putting out. I also just finished my first workshop for one of the local school’s too. And January is nowhere near over. That’s just the writing side of my life. I’ve got lots going on at work, with my family and with my scouts too, so spare time doesn’t seem to exist right now. At least, I don’t have to worry about getting into trouble. […]

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Get Published Episode 116 – Writing for Middle Grade and Young Adult

I attended the 2013 edition of When Words Collide on the weekend of August 9th to 11th. I was on several panels where we had the chance to discuss writing in ways. On today’s episode, I will be playing back one of the panels, specifically a panel about Writing for MG and YA audiences. The panelists were Shirlee Smith Matheson, DK Snape and myself. We had to compete with active air conditioners so there are spots where the sound quality isn’t fantastic. Still, the conversation was a good one that I hope you can take something away from. I know I will be trying a few of the different techniques we discussed in later books. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening […]

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Get Published Episode 99 – eBooks and Enthrill Distribution

Happy Holidays, everyone! I hope you are all getting a break from the workaday and are spending some quality time doing what you enjoy. In today’s episode I am happy to have President of Enthrill Distribution, Kevin Franco talking about Enthrill’s excellent eBook gift card product. I first came across it at When Words Collide and then again at World Fantasy Convention. I think it is a fantastic way to market and sell eBooks and I’m very glad he agreed to come on the show. I’ve also had more success with promotion through the simplest means possible: talking to people. I discuss this in more detail during the tips and typos section of the show. That’s today’s episode. I hope […]

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