Talk Isn’t Necessarily Cheap

Once again, I have found a great reason to talk to people. Simply put, I get great new ideas and opportunities from simple conversation. There have been library visits, convention appearances, award nominations, marketing and promotion opportunities and so many other things that never would have happened if I hadn’t stopped to talk with someone. Take some past examples: Interviewing folks for Get Published has resulted in book contracts. Tweets and then follow-up conversations has resulted in an Anthology (A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil). Tweets and then follow-up conversations has resulted in a Steampunk novel (Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty, co-written with JR Murdock). Facebook posts and then follow-up conversations resulted in Action […]

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Keep Your Eyes (and Ears) Open for Opportunities

Last week I thought I was hitting all the important places to get word out on my work and ongoing projects. Then, out of the blue, without so much as a “By-your-leave”, a good friend of mine asked me if I had spent any time on Wattpad. I had to reluctantly admit that, no, I had not spent ANY time on Wattpad. As in none whatsoever. That lack may not surprise those of you who don’t know what Wattpad is. In a nutshell, and borrowing a line from their About section: Wattpad is a revolutionary way for readers to discover and participate in the creation of new stories. Okay, that’s great, but why do I care? Let me put it to […]

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