Get Published Episode 92 – Starla Huchton Talks Covers

Covers are a very important part of any book. A good cover can intrigue and encourage readers to try a book they might not otherwise look at and a bad one might just cause that same reader to pass it by. In today’s show, I talk to Cover Designer, writer, voice artist and podcaster, Starla Huchton about covers and what she thinks are important considerations. We also talk about how taking a chance in a writing contest has given valuable exposure to her writing. I also talk about something that I hadn’t really thought about before and that is an author’s signing survival kit. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published […]

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Why Podcasting Your Work Can Be Good

I was thinking about my writing and my podcasting the other day and I came to realize how much benefit my writing actually gets from being podcast. It might stem from that advice you hear many professional authors give to “read your work out loud”, but there are definite positive outcomes to doing it: You end up with a much cleaner manuscript. That is a direct advantage to podcasting. I know, when I did GalaxyBillies, I would take a scene that I thought was pretty clean, especially the dialogue parts, and find little niggly errors that interupted the flow. I was able to clean up many of those problems during recording. Now that I’m preparing GalaxyBillies for submission, I’m amazed at […]

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Get Published Episode 75 – Jennifer White Talks Screenwriting

I’ve been curious about screenwriting and just how a writer can make it in Hollywood. Can screenwriters work outside Los Angeles and be successful? I was able to ask these questions and many more when I talked to Jennifer White who is a screenwriter, tagline writer and novelist. I am also happy to have JRMurdock do another of his Unorthodox Writing Tips. In today’s show he talks about paying attention. I also wanted to briefly talk about a couple of new projects I’m working on that you may or may not be aware of. The first, of these is the Mad Scientist Handbook that you have likely heard a promo for on previous episodes of the show. The Handbook is […]

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