Entering the E-Age

I’ve finally taken the plunge and it has only taken my first two stories being published in e-format to do it. I now have an e-reader. It’s a step I’ve wanted to take for a while; I really wanted an iPad, but finances simply don’t allow it. However, I can’t complain about the e-reader I’ve got (we’ll see how I feel after I’ve had it a few months). There have been several hints that I should get an e-reader. Over the past couple years I’ve received a number of books to review/critique in e-format. The problem with this is most of my reading is done away from my computer. So how do I read them? My iPod touch will act […]

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The Joy of Creativity

Creativity. It is a word that invokes a lot of different responses and brings out that part of each of us that wants to make something new, something great and unique. Whether your passion is writing, cooking, gardening or raising you children, being creative is something that keeps us energized and looking ahead. At least, that’s my take on it. Throughout my entire life I have dreamed about things, come up with ideas and made things that sometimes worked and sometimes didn’t. It has always been those times that I’ve been happiest. I write because I think the printed word is one of the best ways to express my ideas, build worlds and have fun with characters and places I […]

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Don’t Be Afraid of Small Steps

For those of you who are hoping/expecting to write something and become overnight sensations, let me be the first to tell you… well, keep dreaming comes immediately to mind. Honestly, I’m not trying to crush your aspirations. It’s just that overnight success usually takes a LOT of work in advance. You might argue that people like JK Rowling, Christopher Paolini and the like were instant successes. To that I would suggest you dig into their publishing journey a little deeper. In both cases (and in dozens more) a lot of rejection and self-sacrifice happened before they hit the big time. The fact that they actually did have such astonishing success is a factor of luck as much as talent (some […]

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