I usually have a laser-like focus for my blogging, podcasting and writing. Note, I said “usually”. Lately, I’ve been feeling pretty scattered. I think it has something to do with work and the number of other projects I’ve got on the go. To make matters worse, when I’m doing something besides my actual writing and revising projects I feel guilty and cannot even enjoy periods of relaxation. So, I decided to step back for a couple days and try to clear my head. The problem is, I stepped too far back and totally forgot to do my regular post. I also owe a couple people guest posts and there is the whole book revision thing too. But, I do think […]
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Social Media for Fun… and Maybe Profit
I have a confession to make: I love Twitter. I love all the cool people I meet on Twitter and I especially love interacting with them. I love it so much, in fact, that it sometimes cuts into my word count. But does that make it a timesink? I say no and I say that because one of the important activities for a writer (in my opinion, of course) is to connect with people. You never know who you’re going to meet online and ultimately your success as a writer is dependent on the books you sell. To sell more books you need people to know about them. To get people to know about them you need something that makes people aware […]
Read moreGet Published Episode 51 – Alicia Hendley Talks “A Subtle Thing”
Hello everyone and welcome to episode 51. In today’s show I talk to Alicia Hendley about her writing career to date and her new book “A Subtle Thing”. I also talk about selling/promoting both eBooks and traditional paper books. Enjoy. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 51 – Alicia Hendley Talks “A Subtle Thing” Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 51 – Alicia Hendley Talks “A Subtle Thing” Welcome to the show. 00:58 — Promo – Nutty Bites 02:05— Tips and Typos – Get Published Episode 51 – Alicia Hendley Talks “A Subtle Thing” (continued) Mike talks about a selling/promotional idea Email feedback at getpublishedpodcast […]
Read moreHow I hope to sell my books
I’ve been thinking a lot about books and how they are being published. Probably very much like a lot of you are too. The publishing industry is undergoing some extremely big changes from the way authors are signed to books published and finally distributed and sold. It seems to me that there is a parallel to the huge format change (albeit a small one) that has me thinking in a certain direction. The parallel I’m thinking of is that of DVD to Blu-Ray. You may argue that the change in format was a minor thing. The DVD’s published under the old standard continue to hit the shelves and the Blu-Ray are starting to fill the niche. Sounds a little like […]
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