Get Published Episode 73 – Jeremy Lassen & Nightshade Books

As I talked about last episode, I went to World Fantasy Convention hoping to line up some guests for the show. The first, with Michael Stackpole was a great conversation but there was a lot of background noise that I wasn’t able to clean up. My second interview also suffers from background noise, this time from people in the area. I kept trying to find different and better places to do the interviews but everywhere I went there were people. Today’s interview is with Jeremy Lassen, Editor-in-Chief at Nightshade books. I met Jeremy once before and I was very happy to get some of his time for the interview. I also have another segment of JRMurdock’s “Unorthodox Writing Tips”. I […]

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GalaxyBillies Christmas

Hello my Friends. I’ve been thinking about what my next GalaxyBillies story would be ever since I finished the 20-episode original Podcast. I have a couple ideas, but I simply haven’t had time to do anything with them. Then, as Christmas began to near I felt more an more that I needed to write a Christmas story. But what? Then it dawned on me that I could do a story with my favorite Galaxy-hopping humans. I hope you enjoy the story. It was fun to write and a real reminder to me of how much work the production is for each episode. I must have been working on some sort of auto-pilot before because, holy cow does it demand time. […]

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Happy Holidays!

The holiday season, many holiday seasons, in fact, are upon us. As I look back, I realize that I have a lot to celebrate this year: Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero now has a cover and has undergone its first level of edits. It is also scheduled for release early next year. One of my biggest dreams and goals will soon be realized. I cannot wait. My writing partner (JRMurdock) and I have finished the first draft of our YA Steampunk Novel. Even better, we have a publisher interested in seeing it. I know that we will sell this one. It was fun to write and, I think, fun to read too. I was able to meet the aforementioned JRMurdock at […]

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Get Published Episode 72 – Michael Stackpole Talks Digital Media

When I went to World Fantasy Convention in October, one of my goals was to line up some guests for the show. I didn’t really expect to get too many in person interviews because the convention is pretty busy and everyone is trying to get as much in as they can. I did manage two in person interviews. The first, which I’m going to share with you today, is with Michael Stackpole. Mike is one of the big e-vangelists in the industry for self e-publishing. He has a ton of great things to say. Unfortunately, there weren’t many quiet places to comfortably talk at. In this case, we had some construction across the street so you get a lot of […]

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