I was a fairly dense kid while growing up. I wasn’t stupid. I easily managed A’s and B’s throughout school. I just wasn’t very aware of anything outside of my own immediate interests. I wasn’t aspiring to anything. I just ducked my head, hoping I’d make it to the next day, and missed out on lots of pop culture as a result. When my brother got me my first adult novel for Christmas when I was fourteen, I didn’t even notice that it was the last book in a series. “Star Wars: X-wing: The Bacta War” ignited my love for space opera and fantasy. I felt like I could have been Corran Horn in another life. I loved the starfighter […]
Read moreTag: mike plested
Get Published Episode 81 – Paul E. Cooley, The Fiendmaster, Speaks
Mik Murdoch, Boy superhero is almost ready for the Advanced Reader Copies to go out. I’m busy proofing the galley right now. In fact, I stopped working on it to get this episode ready for you. Exciting times! I also wanted to put the word out to all of you mad scientists out there. Jeffrey Hite and I are co-editing an anthology of advice for the up-and-coming supervillain. Submissions are open until May 31. We have some good submissions so far, but we need more. If you are interested, check out http://madscientistanthology.wordpress.com/. Finally, before we get into the show I wanted to mention that it is once again Parsec awards season. I would dearly love to have Get Published nominated […]
Read moreThe Proof is the Next Step
The process of publishing a book can be a long one with many steps. The author, of course, has to present a clean, completed manuscript to a publisher. It has to be well-written and interesting and something the publisher is prepared to spend money on. Once that is agreed to, there is the contract, the editing, revisions, more revisions and finally a manuscript that is ready to see print. Or is it? The publisher then lays out the book and then… well then the laid out book is sent to the author (and other proof-readers) for final review as a galley. That is where I’m at right now. This minute, in fact. My publisher, Lorina, sent me my galley on […]
Read moreGuest Post – Books that Inspired – A Classic and a Fairy Tale by Starla Huchton
I read a lot growing up. As I was “the weird, poor kid”, it often felt like my only reprieve from the constant assault of my peers was the escape I found in stories. But they weren’t just hiding places for me, they were where I could make discoveries about myself, form opinions about the broader world around me, and get the one thing I was lacking more often than not: hope. It’s probably not surprising then that I love Alexandre Dumas’ THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO. It’s one of the few books I’ve read more than once. I discovered it in high school, maybe my sophomore year. There’s so much to love about that book; it wasn’t simply about […]
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