Mik Speaks

Hi there. Mik Murdoch here. My biographer, Michell Plested, has kindly allowed me to talk a little about my newest adventure. For those of you who have been following my adventures, you know that I decided to become a superhero a couple years ago. The one problem I was up against? I didn’t have any super powers (note: Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero). I was and still am an avid comic book reader and I have read countless stories about ordinary people like me who regularly get super powers of their own. If they could do it, why not me? Turns out, comic book people have a slightly easier time to get super powers than people in the regular world. That […]

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The Mik Murdoch train keeps chugging along

When Evil Alter Ego Press acquired the rights for my Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero series, it was always the plan to re-release the books quickly. I had even (in a moment of insanity) proposed we bring the first two books out the same time. Of course, there is always more that can be done to a book; in the case of Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero and Mik Murdoch: The Power Within the cover was being reworked and the known typos could be fixed. That took time. EAEP decided to bring Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero out June 1st and Mik Murdoch: The Power Within out July 1st. I am delighted to say, both have/will meet those release dates. Mik Murdoch, Boy […]

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Singularly Focused

I’ve been away from writing new work for a while and it is weighing heavily on me. I haven’t added any words to Scouts 2, Jack Kane 2 or anything on Wattpad. Why? Cause I’m a publisher now too. You probably already know this but, my partner Jeffrey Hite and I started the press, Evil Alter Ego Press (EAEP) just over a year ago. Last year we published three books. This year it will be more (four in the next four months or so). Granted, three of those books were previously printed by another publisher but we still need to go through all the right steps to ensure quality books come out the other end. That means editing, proofing, layout and […]

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Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero – Available June 1

I’ve been working very hard to get Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero ready for print. Ever since my former publisher and I agreed to part ways, I have been planning for the relaunch. It will happen June 1st, 2016 and I couldn’t be happier. The book will feature a familiar, but improved, cover. I’ve had a crack team of proof readers going through the book with a fine-toothed comb to iron out some of the issues and clunky bits of the story. Evil Alter Ego Press (EAEP) will be offering the book at a much-reduced price (and the eBook for $0.99 too). In other words, Mik Murdoch 2.0 should be improved in almost every way. And it doesn’t end there. Mik […]

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