I just had an OMG moment while writing book 2 of Mik Murdoch, currently titled, Mik Murdoch and the Power Within. I have been moving along quite nicely in the writing when I realized something. I had named one of my new, main female protagonists the same as one of my baddies from the first book. That would never do! I mean, it is theoretically possible that two people will have the same name (obviously) but, with all the names in the world, should I be naming two characters the same? Considering that one is a protagonist and the other an antagonist, I would say not. It’s much too confusing for one thing. So I went back to the drawing board […]
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Testing My Resolve
Life has a way of testing a person, sometimes continually. As I am typing this, I realize that the difficulties I have faced in my life are trivial to what others have faced and it feels a little bit like whining to me. Still, we all get used to a certain lifestyle. When we are removed from that lifestyle for something less, it is jarring. It is a test to see how we will react. Will we adapt to the new life, will we struggle and fight our way back to where we were (or beyond) or will we roll over and die. I would like to think that I will fight my way back up to former glories and […]
Read moreGet Published Episode 103 – Deux Voiliers Publishing Making Art
On today’s show I have Ian Shaw who is the publisher for Deux Voiliers Publishing. I met Ian through Nicole Chardenet. Or did I meet Nicole through Ian? Sometimes the introductions get a little muddies. Either way, I met them both and we had a great discussion. I also talk about deadlines. How I handle them and some of the tools I use to keep them tracked and under control. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 103 – Deux Voiliers Publishing Making Art Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 103 – Deux Voiliers Publishing Making Art […]
Read moreDiving Back into the Pool
I’ve spent the past few months working on editing A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil. When I first considered putting an anthology out, I thought it would be an easy way to get another book out with my name on the cover. After all, I would only be writing one of the many stories for the anthology. How hard would it be? Yeah, every time I say something like that, I come to regret mouthing the words. Editing is not my natural state and it was a LOT of work. Just ask my co-editor, Jeffrey Hite. He will tell you. What ended up happening is, I spent lots of time editing and very little time […]
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