I’m on to the Next Project, or Am I?

I am now able to say, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero, is done. At least, all of the writing , revision and proofing. That, of course, just means I have finished another chapter in the road to publication. There are still many, MANY things to do: Prepare and send out Advanced Reader Copies (ARC’s) for review (Lorina Stephens is working on that as I type, I am sure); Create a book trailer; Get publicity for myself and the book; Book launch; Write the next book in the series. Am I missing anything? Undoubtably. As I have never done this before, everything is new to me. I am pretty sure I have left a few things out. So, let’s talk about book […]

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Get Published Episode 82 – Rebecca K. Rowe Comments Via Science Fiction

As you know, I have several projects on the go, right now. Happily, Mik Murdoch proof work of the galley is finished and sent to Lorina Stephens at 5 Rivers Publishing. That leaves me a little time for the other projects. The most pressing is the YA Zombie podcast novel I’m working on as part of “The Action Pack Podcast.” I am writing and recording a new episode every month. JR Murdock and Scott Roche are also providing stories. Check out actionpackpodcast.com for more information. I’m also working on the Mad Scientist Handbook which is officially titled, “A Method to the Madness, A Guide to the Super Evil” with Jeffrey Hite. Jeff and I talk about the handbook in today’s […]

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Knowing Your Audience

I thought I would talk about audience today. Specifically, knowing who you are writing for and how you can ensure that you’re hitting the mark. I’ve been shown the value of understanding who might want to read my stories several times. When I sent in Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero originally, I kind of knew who I expected my eventual readership to be: boys, ages 9 – 15. Simple enough, right? After all, the book is about a boy in that age category who wants to be a superhero. I expected some girls might like it and the occasional adult too. Then my editor, Robert Runte, and I had the chance to meet last Fall. He told me that when he […]

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Guest Post – Books that Inspired – Finding New Horizons – by Christopher Walker

I was a fairly dense kid while growing up. I wasn’t stupid. I easily managed A’s and B’s throughout school. I just wasn’t very aware of anything outside of my own immediate interests. I wasn’t aspiring to anything. I just ducked my head, hoping I’d make it to the next day, and missed out on lots of pop culture as a result. When my brother got me my first adult novel for Christmas when I was fourteen, I didn’t even notice that it was the last book in a series. “Star Wars: X-wing: The Bacta War” ignited my love for space opera and fantasy. I felt like I could have been Corran Horn in another life. I loved the starfighter […]

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