T Minus 7 Days and Counting

One week from today, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero will be fully available for purchase. Those are words I wondered if I would ever be able to say. Ten years ago, I would have asked you what you were smoking to make a prediction like that. Even still, despite doubts, I knew I wanted to get my work published. I made it my goal to get there and slowly, slowly, I worked toward that goal. But how did I do it? Well, I’m glad you asked me that question. Let me give you a quick timeline of my writing: started reading adult fiction before I started school (I think I was about 4 years old). I know this doesn’t mention writing, […]

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Get Published Episode 88 – Michell Plested Does A Reading

I have been talking about my upcoming debut novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero for months now and it is now about to be released. The actual release date is scheduled for August 1, 2012. I thought it would be nice to share some of the book I’ve worked so hard to bring to you. So today, instead of an interview, you will be getting a reading of chapter 1 by me. I’m also very lucky to have another Unorthodox Writing Tip from JRMurdock. This time he talks about the fact that he doesn’t know what you know. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 88 – Michell Plested Does A Reading […]

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Shifting Priorities

Priorities are funny things. What is important today may not be quite so important tomorrow. Take, for example, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. If you were take a guess and say it is my HIGHEST priority right now, you would be bang on. Until I get this baby launched, nothing will even come close in importance to me. However, three years ago, it wasn’t really even on the radar. I was working on several other projects and Mik was on the shelf. Then a little matter of Five Rivers taking an interest in it and KABLAM! Mik jumped to the top of the priority list. That isn’t to say that I’m ignoring everything else. I haven’t missed an episode of Get […]

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We all need a break from the everyday from time-to-time. Recharging our batteries is essential if we want to stay healthy and happy. I am doing exactly that right now. The family and I are on vacation for almost three weeks. It feels incredibly strange to not get up every morning, catch the bus and train and go to work. Strange, but awesome at the same time. I had these big plans to get up early every morning and write. Plans that lasted exactly one day before I started sleeping in. Still, I think I needed that sleep to catch up and start my relaxation. I also needed the rest to kick my muse back into high gear. Oddly, family, […]

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