Get Published Episode 122 – Gail Carriger Talks Series Writing

One of the best things about going to conventions for me is getting the chance to talk to people. For example, 3-years ago at Balticon, I was lucky enough to meet and talk to Gail Carriger. The unfortunate part of that was, I met her on the very last day, at lunch, just prior to leaving for home. I took that opportunity to invite Gail onto Get Published and she graciously agreed to an interview. That was episode 47 which aired December 25th, 2010. Ever since that conversation, I have watched Gail’s career with interest, hoping that our paths would cross again one day. Imagine my delight when I learned that not only will Gail and I both be at […]

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Get Published Episode 82 – Rebecca K. Rowe Comments Via Science Fiction

As you know, I have several projects on the go, right now. Happily, Mik Murdoch proof work of the galley is finished and sent to Lorina Stephens at 5 Rivers Publishing. That leaves me a little time for the other projects. The most pressing is the YA Zombie podcast novel I’m working on as part of “The Action Pack Podcast.” I am writing and recording a new episode every month. JR Murdock and Scott Roche are also providing stories. Check out for more information. I’m also working on the Mad Scientist Handbook which is officially titled, “A Method to the Madness, A Guide to the Super Evil” with Jeffrey Hite. Jeff and I talk about the handbook in today’s […]

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Get Published Episode 81 – Paul E. Cooley, The Fiendmaster, Speaks

Mik Murdoch, Boy superhero is almost ready for the Advanced Reader Copies to go out. I’m busy proofing the galley right now. In fact, I stopped working on it to get this episode ready for you. Exciting times! I also wanted to put the word out to all of you mad scientists out there. Jeffrey Hite and I are co-editing an anthology of advice for the up-and-coming supervillain. Submissions are open until May 31. We have some good submissions so far, but we need more. If you are interested, check out Finally, before we get into the show I wanted to mention that it is once again Parsec awards season. I would dearly love to have Get Published nominated […]

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Get Published Episode 79b – L.E. Modesitt Jr. Part 2

Those of you who listened to episode 79a know that the interview with Lee Modesitt Jr. was cut in half due to length. I didn’t want you to have to wait two weeks for the second half of that interview so you are getting the part ‘b’ of episode 79 a mere week later. However, because it is part ‘b’, this episode will be a bit shorter than usual; I won’t have the normal Tips and Typos section. I hope you don’t mind. Before we get into the show I also wanted to give you all an update on my progress with Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. I received, what should be the final set of edits, on March 10th. Since […]

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