Get Published Episode 94 – Barbara Galler-Smith, Multi-faceted Writer

I often think that, to be a successful writer, you should have a good understanding of the writing craft from multiple angles. That means writing, reading, editing, marketing and promotion and even publishing. That’s the ideal, of course, and few of us have either the time or the connections to make that experience happen. On today’s episode, I get to talk to someone who has seen publishing and the writing industry from several different directions. She is a writer, editor, slush pile reader, writing instructor and published author. Barbara Galler-Smith couples that with a wealth of varied life experiences and has a lot of interesting things to say. I also talk about my experiences collaborating on a novel with JR […]

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Get Published Episode 72 – Michael Stackpole Talks Digital Media

When I went to World Fantasy Convention in October, one of my goals was to line up some guests for the show. I didn’t really expect to get too many in person interviews because the convention is pretty busy and everyone is trying to get as much in as they can. I did manage two in person interviews. The first, which I’m going to share with you today, is with Michael Stackpole. Mike is one of the big e-vangelists in the industry for self e-publishing. He has a ton of great things to say. Unfortunately, there weren’t many quiet places to comfortably talk at. In this case, we had some construction across the street so you get a lot of […]

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The Changing Landscape of Books

The fact that the book industry is changing has never been driven home quite as clearly as it was in the last few days. The first epiphany was when I read a post by my publisher, Lorina Stephens of Five Rivers Publishing. She wrote about how Indigo (the 500-pound gorilla in Canada for book sales) is now pushing the small and indie presses around (post found here). Essentially, the book chain has made the decision to supplement their waning book sales by selling giftware. Fair enough. If it helps them survive, all the power to them. But, and here is where the bullying comes in, they are also basically pushing the small presses out. Lorina says it better than me by far, so I […]

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Get Published Episode 63 – John Mierau, Creative Force

John Mierau is a wordsmith, a story teller, a scifi and fantasy hack not to mention, first and foremost, a family man. He is also a fellow Canadian podcaster and, as far as the Parsec awards are concerned, one of my main competitors. He is also a great person to talk to and I am honoured to have him on my show. I also talk about doing guest posts and the value of it to both the post writer and the site owner. I hope you enjoy the show. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 63 – John Mierau, Creative Force Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – […]

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