Priorities are funny things. What is important today may not be quite so important tomorrow. Take, for example, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. If you were take a guess and say it is my HIGHEST priority right now, you would be bang on. Until I get this baby launched, nothing will even come close in importance to me. However, three years ago, it wasn’t really even on the radar. I was working on several other projects and Mik was on the shelf. Then a little matter of Five Rivers taking an interest in it and KABLAM! Mik jumped to the top of the priority list. That isn’t to say that I’m ignoring everything else. I haven’t missed an episode of Get […]
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Get Published Episode 87 – Brand Gamblin Talks Self Publishing
Today’s episode is a bit of a departure for Get Published. Ordinarily, you will hear promos from various people or podcasts. You will get a Tips and Typos section about a topic and finally an interview with one of my special guests. You will still be getting all of those things, but today, they will all be related to Brand Gamblin. For those of you who do not know Brand, he is a self-published author of three novels currently, some of which are podcast. He also has several short stories published. Why am I dedicating an episode to Brand? I guess my best answer is “Why not?” He has a number of great things to say and talks at length […]
Read moreGet Published Episode 80 – Tad Williams has Options
Happy April Fools Day to those of you listening to this episode on the 1st. To the rest of you, I hope you had a fun April 1st. There has been a lot going on around here lately. I managed to finish the final set of revisions on my upcoming YA Novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. Next is layout and sending out Advanced Reader Copies for review. This is pins and needles time for me. I really hope people like it and give me lots of good reviews! Now that revising Mik is out of the way (at least temporarily), I’m back to work getting GalaxyBillies ready for submission. In the off chance that you are an editor, agent or […]
Read moreGet Published Episode 77 – The Skinny on the Mad Scientist’s Handbook
Last episode, I mentioned The Action Pack Podcast. Everything is just about ready for release. The first episodes of each of the three stories have been writen and recorded for the podcast and the scripts have been sent in for the eBooks. The website,, even has teasers for you to read. We’re all getting pretty excited to see and hear the first episode. I’ve also been making some good headway in my GalaxyBillies edits AND JR Murdock and I have the second book in our collaboration series about half-way plotted out. We’re just finishing the final edits on the first book so we can send it out to our Alpha readers. All that and I expect to see the […]
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