Keep Things in Perspective

I was chatting with a friend of mine the other day about a writing conference and he mentioned how disappointed he was with some of the authors who attended. Now, before I go too far, let me say that the friend I was talking to is also an author. As to why he was disappointed in (some) of his fellow authors it comes down to a single word: attitude. He told me that a number of the attending authors had the attitude that they were better than everyone else and deserved to be treated like celebrities. I have a real problem with that because, as Dave Duncan once said to me, “Every professional author was an amateur just like you […]

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Don’t Be Afraid of Small Steps

For those of you who are hoping/expecting to write something and become overnight sensations, let me be the first to tell you… well, keep dreaming comes immediately to mind. Honestly, I’m not trying to crush your aspirations. It’s just that overnight success usually takes a LOT of work in advance. You might argue that people like JK Rowling, Christopher Paolini and the like were instant successes. To that I would suggest you dig into their publishing journey a little deeper. In both cases (and in dozens more) a lot of rejection and self-sacrifice happened before they hit the big time. The fact that they actually did have such astonishing success is a factor of luck as much as talent (some […]

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Where Does the Time Go?

As of last week I found myself with a lot more time to spend writing (see unemployed) but for some odd reason I’m not getting much more done. Perhaps its because I’m pulling all those fringe projects out to work on too. It could also be because I’m doing a few things around the house that have needed doing. Too many possible excuses. I think anyone will agree, the more time you seem to have free the more things you find to fill it. For example, I have my podcasts (2) one of which requires significant writing for, short stories to write, editing of existing stories to do, promos to write and cut, book reviews to write and record and […]

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GalaxyBillies – Episode 7

Hey Everyone, I think I’m back on my bi-weekly schedule. In this episode the GalaxyBillies are on the planet Cornucopia or “The Reserve” as it is known. They have come to this planet to acquire food, something they didn’t have time for after the debacle on Sin Station. They aren’t on the planet very long before they discover that they may not be alone. I also want to propose the name “The Kinfolk” for you fans out there. What do you think? Leave me a comment, send me a voicemail or whatever to let me know. Finally, there have been a few of you (maybe more that I’m not aware of) spreading the word. Please continue to do so. I […]

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