Get Published Episode 105 – Comedy Writing with Ira Nayman

On today’s show I have Ira Nayman, a Canadian comedy writer who has written both books and screenplays. He was also a writer/performer in a comedy troop in the 80’s. Ira and I talk about writing and comedy and several other things that we found funny at the time. I also provide a review of Ira’s book, Welcome to the Multiverse, Sorry for the Inconvenience. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 105 – Comedy Writing with Ira Nayman Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 105 – Comedy Writing with Ira Nayman (continued) Welcome to the show. […]

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Get Published Episode 102 – Nicole Chardenet Brings Laughs to Love

You may not know this, but I have been looking for guests who write outside the normal featured genres on Get Published. Traditionally, I have had lots of Science Fiction and Fantasy writers with the occasional Horror person thrown in for good measure. This hasn’t been done to exclude all the other genres, I promise you. It is more about who I know in the writing field than any effort to exclude anyone. That means, I haven’t been networking outside my own chosen genre as well as I should. That is a shame because ALL writers have something to share about their own publishing journeys, market differences and even the various tropes that are inherent to their own genres of […]

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GalaxyBillies – Episode 0

Happy Holidays everyone! As a special treat, I am putting the first episode of my new podcast project into the feed. GalaxyBillies is the story of five hillbillies who are kidnapped by a semi-sentient starship. To say they take the universe by storm would be a MAJOR understatement. I was checking my notes a couple days ago when I was finishing the first episode and I realized I first had the story idea almost a year ago. It has taken a while to germinate, but I’m very happy with episode one (numbered episode 0). Have a listen and let me know what you think. If you like it, leave a comment and maybe feedback on iTunes. If you don’t, please […]

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Putting Yourself Out There

Whomever said “Without Risk, there can be no reward” was on to something. It is a saying that applies in spades to we writers. We can write as much as we want, but until we actually let someone see it, we have no idea if it is good, bad or indifferent. Indeed, I would argue that without making it available for critique we writers will never really grow in our craft. That sort of flies in the face of the “Practice makes perfect” mantra, but without feedback, we may get stuck writing the same stuff over and over. All that can do is solidify any mistakes we are already making. Granted, as we continue to write we probably start to […]

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